October 2025 - Date TBD

Gates Open 10 a.m. • Post Time 1 p.m.

Steeplechase Racing

Pleasant Prospect Farm is proud to showcase one of Maryland’s most historic sports: horse racing across the open countryside. Spectators will enjoy outdoor parties, picnics, and tailgates while cheering on the horses and riders. We invite you to be a part of this very exciting event.

10:00 a.m. - Gates Open for Tailgate Party Parking
12:00 p.m. - Respite Retreats VIP Luncheon Tent Opens
1:00 p.m. - Post Time - Let the Races Begin!
4:00 p.m. - Event Concludes

Held in the cradle of Howard’s “rural west,” in the picturesque valley of Jennings Chapel Rd, easily accessible from all points, including Mount Airy, I-70, Ellicott City, Columbia, Clarksville, Olney and Damascus.

Pleasant Prospect Farm
4389 Jennings Chapel Rd
Brookeville, Maryland

Whether you’re a horse enthusiast or just like spending a fun day with family and friends in the beautiful countryside of Howard County, make plans to attend the Cattail Chase!

Thank you for your support, see you at the races!

Respite Retreats Great 20 VIP Tent

The Respite Retreats Great 20 VIP Tent features fabulous food and drinks, bourbon bar, a sweeping view of the course, and is a breath away from the horses surging across the finish line. Becoming a Great 20 VIP allows you to mix easily with other local business owners, current and future clients, and provides plenty of opportunities to invite your own friends, family, and clients to a day in the country!

Great 20 VIP Tent Sponsorship

The Respite Retreats VIP Tent Sponsorship includes 4-tickets to the VIP Tent featuring the same great benefits as above and marketing on social media, Respite Retreats website and at the event.


Steeplechase tailgate parties range from a simple picnic basket filled with your favorites perched on the back of a truck to elaborate, upscale field parties with catered food, fancy tablescapes, and décor. Most are somewhere in between, and all are fun! Start planning yours today!

Railside Tailgating $300

Traditional tailgating parked close to the action along the rail!  Limited Availability

Infield Tailgating $200

Infield tailgaters will have multiple views of the course!

Standard Tailgating $100

Available in advance or at the gate on race day. 

Parking Pass

For guests attending finish line or tailgate parties, for those who wish to carry-in a blanket and picnic basket or who plan to hit the food trucks! Allows entry for all passengers, no limit on number of passengers per vehicle.